Turistinės viryklės rinkinys originalus iš Švedijos ir Austrijos kariuomenių Naudota

Prekinis ženklas:Military Surplus

Būklė: Naudota

Kilmės šalis: Švedija/Austrija

Išpardavimo kaina$26.35

Siuntimas paskaičiuojamas kitame žingsnyje

Trangia/Svea viryklė – kaip nauja, austriškas maisto ruošimo lauke rinkinys yra mažai naudotas su ilgą laiką gulėjimo žymėmis / įlenkimais ir dažų suskilinėjimais.

Used (A Grade)

This category goes to products that are in used military surplus condition but looks new or almost new. With our employees in the warehouse department, we carefully sort and check all items we sell, to make sure A Grade military surplus products would look like new, with all features working as they should be, just with a few uncommon condition aspects.

Expected condition issues:

  • Warehouse odor.
  • Items are prepacked by us.
  • Mud/dust on the item.

Rare condition issues:

  • Owner name tag on sizing label.
  • Taken off sizing or garment care labels.
  • Color shades may vary (due to different manufacturing years).


„Expected issues“ - might appear on 1 of 10 items.

„Rare issues” - might appear on 1 of 50 items.

Written condition issues don‘t mean that items must have them.


Most photos of our products are made by us, so images also should be guided to determine item conditions more accurately.

Also, we advise checking the last listing images as mostly they show the most damaged items in stock and what you may expect in the worst.

  • BRAND : Karinis perteklius
  • MANUFACTURE COUNTRY : Švedija/Austrija
  • VINTAGE : Taip
  • TYPE : Maisto gaminimo rinkinys
  • COLOR : Alyvuogių spalva
  • MATERIAL : Aliuminis
  • VOLUME : ~2L / 0.52gal
  • SET INCLUDES : Spiritinė viryklė, kuro butelis, viryklės stovas, puodas, dubuo

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